Store - Lambengolmor - The Elven School of Loremasters

Lambengolmor School of Elven Loremasters
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Welcome To Elven Artifacts
Deep in the forest is a place filled with artifacts of an age gone by, a time when Elven and Fairies and all those of otherkin knew who they were and remembered our mythic past.

It is our pleasure here at Elven Artifacts to present some of those memories. With the rising cost of so many things today it is becoming harder to find those precious gifts that pass along an air of myth and magic to our homes and to our individual lifestyles. Within this store you may find that one particular treasure that reminds you of your gentler past, something to help grace your home with our memories.

It is out goal to keep everything priced in such a way that makes it available to as many of our gentler folk as we can. Through the magic of 3D printing, we are able to offer them at a greatly reduced cost.
We are including Elven, Faierie, D & D, and otherkin products such as statues, wall plaques, bathroom and kitchen wares, musical instruments, smart phone accessories, clothes and so much more.
In keeping with our Elven Traditions, all items are made from eco-friendly biodegradable materials. The plastic is made from sugar cane and bamboo.
One of the most important features of this store is the ability that allows you to customize an item. You can have your name wirtten in your language or in Elven, and even customize the images placed on the items.
Please let us know what you are interested in designing and we will try and help you, again, at an affordable cost.
Elven and Fae Musical Instruments Now Available !
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